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[Basic Information]

[Name] :: Blues.exe [Blues]

[English Name] :: Protoman.exe [Protoman]

[Age] :: 8 - 12+ years {Depending on Timeline}

[Age Appearence] :: Teenager

[Gender] :: Male

[Operator] :: Ijuuin Enzan


[Species] :: Internet Navigator [Data]

an Internet Navigator, or NetNavi, is a program created by humans to help humans, there Operators, in an internet controlled world to navigate and help with everyday things. In other words they are not living by most peoples standards.


[Occupation] :: Net Savior

Works for the Government with Ijuuin Enzan to protect the world from Internet threats that could destroy civilization such as Virus's. 


[Physical Appearance] :: 

Visably, Blues can seem to be a very tall male when standing next to his familiar companions. However. These companions all average to be in there young teens, just as he appears to be. On top of that, the odd fin spike that sits on top of his helmate makes him look to be about two feet taller then everybody, when he probably averages at five to six feet tall. There is no official information though. He is also a medium-small build, this mostly appears this way due to his flexability and striength.


He always appears to be wearing a tight one piece latex suit that conforms to his body. It is black in color, with a purple stripe that goes down the middle of his body and under his arms. It even covers his hands, He wears red boots and fingerless gloves that appear to be armor as the shine and shape look to be a metal despite his entire body being one material. He also wears a vest and a helmate with similar design to them. The vest ends at the bottom of his chest and covers his neck. a small black line leads down the center to the black and white emblem that is set an a yellow plating. The helmate has sunglasses that completely cover his eyes attatched to them and a white ring that surrounds his head, along with the spike that was mentioned earlier.


It would appear that he has no eyes, and the sunglasses are his eyes with the way he processes data, but some would assume his eyes would have a similar look to his operators as they have similar features. One of them being the long white hair that hangs out of the back of his helmate. Before certain advancements in technology his hair was stiff and would only follow his body, but afterwards was built to flow with his body naturally. He also caries the family logo as his navi simbol as many different customized navi's have.


[Weapons | Abilities] :: 

Blues has his main ability to turn either of his arms into a red sword, but only one of them at a time. The sword looks to be like saber as if to be made out of plasma. As a NetNavi with the license to Net Battle, he was built to have high stats, especially in speed. He can run at high speeds and is even known in the anime to go fast enough to spin at opponents, or even dig deep into the ground. He seems highly skilled in close combat, and is very rarely seen using anything but a sword when it comes to battle.


With the help of his Net-Op Enzan, Blues is able to use a veriaty of abilities that are only limited to what Enzan can give him. These abilities come in the form of battle chips. These can be swords, guns, shields, virus's, and much more, but are likely to be a veriaty of blades and movement boosts. Some are element based: lightning, wood, fire, or water, but you get the idea. Battle chips are only usable if Enzan and Blues' is in the reach of his P.E.T. He can also fuse with his operator if Enzan is to use a chip known as the Synchro Chip. This is the only way Blues is able to enter the human world before the fourth season of the anime. 


He is able to travel the Internet world, and travel through any electronical device he is connected to. He is well treversed in analyzing and understanding data. As all personal net navi's he is able to surf through any stream of data available This can be things as simple as looking for a password for a locked door to changing the data of a robotic machine so it will work to his advantage.


[Personality] ::

He appears to keep a calm and collective stance. He never seems to show any emotion, or response to any type of stimuli. Generally keeping a strieght face his personality is often mistaken to be cold hearted and isolated. He is a strategist, and is highly calculative to go as far as to lay out the percentages of winning or losing. Blues is loyal. Doing whatever his operator asks of him, and doesn't seem to care about the fact that he is simply data. Not to say that he only lives for the mission, as what he fights for is simply his operator. He knows what he was built for, and understands what freedoms he has from that creation. He is competitive, but not many can last up against him due to his high stats and many hours of training, plus his close connection with his operator.


Around others, Blues appears to be the quiet one, hardly ever saying anything unless it is of importance or is a responce to someone directly talking to him. He doesn't seem to be very social but in the aspects of it, people seem to get along with him quite well. He does appear to be the lonely type. Not really caring or liking help all to much. He will accept it in the right cercumstances, but generally will take care of things himself before others can even responde to the situation. As a hard worker, he has learned to work with others, as well as handle lots of situations.


Often attempts to look cool, and succeeds in this factor often. Appearence is often a huge deal to Blues, as a bad reputation can mean bad news for his operator. If he doesn't show off his best skills in every situation it could spell out that he is week and not worthy of Enzan. He respects Enan highly. This is often shown in the way he speaks to his Net-Op. Using the Suffix -sama, and often elaborating his words. Never talking back, and always taking every action seriously.


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