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[Name] :: Ijuuin Enzan

[English Name] :: Chaud Eugene Blaze

[Age] :: 12 - 16 [Depends on Timeline]

[Gender] :: Male

[Species] :: Human

[Net Navi] :: Blues.exe


[Occupation] :: Net Savior | Home Schooled | Vice President of IPC company

Enzan is highly busy in his life as he works for the government, goes to school, and is the Vice President of the IPC company [Blaze Quest in english]. The IPC company is responsible for many things in the internet world, including net-navi's and there P.E.T.s. It is the largest company in Japan. 





[Physical appearance]::

Enzan stands to be between five foot and five foot six inches., although there is no official information on this. He has a small build, and doesn't appear to be very strong physically, but his clothes are rather baggy, causing it to be a difficult to tell his physical body striength. He appears to have short hair that has a white top, but black underneath. The white hair is slightly longer then the black besides the hair in the front that cups his face. His eyes are blue, big and very childish despite how cold they seem. 


He usually is seen wearing a long sleeve black shirt with an under yellow rim around the bottom and neck, a red vest that has a folded collar at the top, and has seems that follow the opening in the front and pockets on the side, there is also the family simbol sown onto the back of it. Often mistaken as camo, and sometimes are, he wears green pants that almost appear as sweats with how baggy they are. There pants have darker green stripes all the way down the legs that sometimes end in points. He wears plain black shoes.


He carries around a small device in his pocket known as a P.E.T. that verries depending on time period and fandom, as well as battle chips that he keeps in a certain order. He will often be seen being followed by adults in suits especially during work. He has other outfits as well. One of the outfits from the anime would be an 80's styled desquise that he used in order to fool his rival, 


[Weapons / Abilities] ::

Generally, he has Blues when it comes to internet situations. He also has Crossfusion, witch allows him to fuse with blues, but in most scenerios, he doesn't need a weapon. He is self trained in martial arts to protect himself and those that are close to him. although he isn't strong in to many ways, except during crossfusion, he usually can outwit most adults with his intelligence and amazing combat skills for his age.


[Personality] ::

Enzan is cold hearted, and often isolates himself away from others. He isn't one to let anyone close to him unless its for the company. He often seems slightly grumpy, and insults those who he thinks are in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is highly competitive and doesn't hold back on anyone when it comes to any type of competition, even if it's just a game. He often will do his best to not show any emotion towards any stimuli, but from time to time fails at even attempting to do so when the situation calls for it. He has locked himself away due to a tramatic past, and it takes him some time to get over this.


He does have a more, kind side. This is more of a side that he shows to those he is sympathetic for, or is interested in. If someone is in trouble, or in need of help, and he's there, he generally is the one to help them. Especially if it's something he can relate to. He often finds himself fighting the personality he wants often because of this. Or rather what he think he wants. Enzan's kind strong heart grows with the interaction of other strong willed characters.

[Basic Information]

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