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Added Dark Blues

Fixed Typos


Updated footer due to broken music player.


Added Blues and Enzan Profile

Started Footer [music]

Added Updates page



Started Header [added buttons/title]

Added Rules and Guidelines.

The Server is Currently down? Well then, I suppose we have no Choice but to turn back.

Yep, Sorry to dissapoint, but untill the coding is fixed, no one can reach this server. Please try again later.


Although I published the website, It simply isn't finished yet. I apologize for this matter as it seems a bit rude to say you have the information filled out when you don't, but that's not the point in this page. I published the website early to allow users to watch the site progress, as well as alllow people to know the rules of roleplaying. I simply don't like having an empty page with blank information.


If you have any questions about the website, me, the character I roleplay as, or generally anything really. Don't be afraid to ask me. I don't bite unless bitten first.

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