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Blues. Welcome our guests. Let them know the rules around Here.

Of Coarse Enzan-sama. Welcome. Follow the Rules, and everything will go smoothly. 

[OOC Kindness]

When Speaking to me Out Of Character, I request that you treat me like a human being. We don't have to talk Outside of the rp but I highly recomend it if you want to discuss the rps plot, setting, or other important information.


[No WallPosting Powerplaying Godmodding or other unfair Roleplaying techniques]

When Roleplaying with me, I hope you respect basic roleplaying rules. If you don't know, understand, or have questions about any of these. Feel free to ask me about them. I'm more then willing to help you out.


[No Spamming, Trolling, Flamming, Bashing]

I will not tolerate any of this really. I'm not one to click on links, images, or youtube video's unless I know you personally. It is rather irritating. I'm glad for critique, sharing of ideas, and you can tell me negative thoughts about characters or other things you feel. Although this isn't a Chating acount. I will allow chatting once and a while.


[No Links, Youtube Vids, Pictures]

Due to some unconfortable experiences in the past from clicking on links, pictures, or youtube videos people have sent me. Unless I know you personaly I suggest you avoid sending me links images or youtube videos. If you do send links images youtube vids etc. I will not click them.


[Doesn't have to be Rockman]

The rp or chat doesn't have to be Rockman. Despite this I will be blues no matter the rp. I will also from time to time roleplay other Rockman.exe characters. in certain roleplays that request it. especially Enzan as you wont find them apart all to often. 


[Grammar, Spelling, and Post Size]

I request that you have understandable grammar, and readable spelling. Were human, and we are not perfect like our dear blues, but I do ask that you try. I am patient, and can wait hours before responses, as well as I am very understanding. I'm slow so that I can make sure my posts are good and interesting to read, and all I ask is that you do your best as well. If your not good I'll help you practice. As for how big to post. Please try to post three full sentences or more. I multi Post usually, but can minimize the size for the roleplay if you request it.

[Rules & Guidelines]

I don't quite get it.... but I got it.

Netto... Maybe you should go over the rules again then.

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