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Peak Clan map.jpg

Tailless Comet

Drop of the Comet's Tail

Clan Hierarchy

Comet-Keeper || Comet-Holder

Sunstar || CrowMask

Angel Leaf


Angel Palms



Angel Thumbs






Elder Fox








Dragon Heart


Dragon Claws





Dragon Fires



Dragon Teeth




Dragon Scales



Dragon Tails






Neighboring Clans

Peak clan is North of the Clan of Roaring Silence, and North-west of Crevasse Clan

Clan Relations

Treaties with the Clan of Roaring Silence, & The shores

Romantic Relations

Sun x Crow ; Tag x Mamoru ; Dream x Badger; Grey x Swift ; Spike x Alois


Comet-Keeper - Leader

Head of the clan, and in the position of a sort of king. Their child will be the next to lead. They must stay three nights as the Passage of Stars, doing this will give them the nine lives, and the ability to communicate with StarClan.


Comet-Holder - Deputy

In charge of taking care of the leader. They keep them safe, fed, and watched over. They guide the leader to the passage, but never enter the grove. the Comet Holder is Chosen by the leader.

Angel Leaf - Medicine Cat

Leader of all Medicine Cats, and takes all the major cases of healing. Not allowed to leave the den. Has magic healing abilities, and receives prophecies from StarClan.


Angel Palm - Medicine Assistant

While doesn't have the magic that Leaf's do, they have the ability to assist in the magic, and are often at the service of the Medicine Leader.


Angel Thumb - Herbelist

Creates  and gathers herbs, and mixtures of herbs to create medicine for the cats. Keeps them healthy and strong before they get injured, or prepares remedies for the Leafs and Palms to use.


Feathers - Medicine Apprentice

Learning under all the Medicine cat's to become one. Eventually one will personally instruct them to there agreed final Rank placement.

Dragon Heart - Lead Warrior

Leader of the warriors. Plans the protection of the clan to every last detail. Often is found directly near the leader, to keep the leader safe.


Dragon Claw - Warriors

These are split into a group of two, switching between patroling the border, and patroling the camp They do this with Dragon Fires. These are the strongest members of the clan.


Dragon Fire - Magic users

Fire Cats can't throw fire balls or make water appear out of thin air, but they can control the earths mana in ways that are unexpected. Often times creating what appear like miracles. There is always one of these cats in all patrols.


Dragon Teeth - Hunters

Only Hunt for prey, and other important recources. They can fight, but aren't trained or built for such occasion. When they aren't eating, sleeping, or training others to hunt, they are hunting for the next meal.

Dragon Scale - Gatherers

Obtain required herbs and materials for the clan such as nesting straw for Foxes (Queens), Wood for Tails, or really anything requested. Are the sneakiest members of the clan, as many times it requires them to go to unsafe territory to obtain the right materials.

Wyrmlings - Warrior Apprentices

Are instructed by all warriors, not just one till they find there defined Rank they want to be. Then one warrior is chosen to train them.

Elder Fox - Lead Queen

Takes care of all kittens in the clan, and is in charge of all the other queens. Gender, nor parenthood is required though is preferred. 


Fox - Queen

Those whom have given birth get one moon respite as a Fox. Other foxes are asigned to help take care of the kits. Same as the Elder Fox, gender, nor parenthood is required. Foxes also take care of those who are expecting, and will replace the duties of those who are unable.

Kits - Kittens

Those under six moons have to stay in the nursery.


Arch- - Elders

Individual elders get special names based on there previous rank. If they were a Leader for instance they would be an Arch Comet-Keeper. Most will just refer to them as the Archs to save time.


Apparitions - Rouges

Cats that are considered banned from the clan, and don't belong to any other are called Apparitions, as they are shadows of what they once were.

Tree Walkers - Humanoids

Instead of two-legs, they call them Tree Walkers, cause they've met many creatures that use only two legs to get around, but only these humanoids are so tall they make trees look like they walk. Some are called Gallant Tree Walkers, or Stalky Tree walkers, referring to elves and dwarves.


Shudders - Predators

To not confuse their warrior names with the predators they call 'em the emotion that they cause when you smell them on the wind. 

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